Nov 12 - at Portland
Today I crossed the US-Canadian border at
the Pacific Crossing - the truck route a few miles east of the Peace Arch
crossing. The US Border Patrol officer who inspected me was a tough-looking
Black man -- looked like my DI. He looked over my passport (and knew from his
database that I'd crossed northbound 2 months ago), walked back to look over
the Harley a minute, then asked me, "Are you glad to be home? ... and too
bad about the Yankees."
Portland is where I-5 meets I-84, on the
Columbia River. The Hampton Inn here is inexpensive, small, and tonight is
practically empty. I got underway at 5:00 AM PST today, so I pulled off the
road at 5:00 PM - t o check email and go top bed early.
The drive east from here should be
particularly beautiful, and I didn't want to drive it in the dark. So as long
as I am driving INTO the sun tomorrow, I'll be headed in the right direction,
toward the farther ocean.
Talk radio is more active out
the course of about 5 hours, I listened to Rush Limbaugh (mostly about Arafat's
Swiss bank accounts, the usual Red-Blue stuff), Savage Nation (interviewing R.
Bork), Tony Snow (interviewing A. Specter), Sean Hannity (feuding with Moyers
& interviewing G. Will, J. McCain). Whew! Lots of stuff about today's
Peterson verdict, judicial nominations, Dems fretting and Blues seceding from
the Union (which we could handle just like the last secession attempt).
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