"historicity" (according to Limbaugh)
"...my word: Your history or story, your "historicity." You don't want that undermined...I mean, Obama thinks all these things he's done are once in a generation or multiple generations, and nobody ever got health care 'til he did it. He doesn't want to put any of this at risk, particularly when you talk about the Clintons, which... The Obamas and the Clintons, I don't care what you say, there's a lot of friction there. You're gonna want your record for the purpose of your historicity to stand for a while, and that's why I really think that there's a good possibility Biden's gonna get into the race. It's made to order on so many levels. It may not happen, but I'm just telling you I won't be surprised if it does…"
But Wikipedia says:
"Historicity is the historical actuality of persons and events, meaning the quality of being part of history as opposed to being a historical myth, legend, or fiction. Historicity focuses on the truth value of knowledge claims about the past (denoting historical actuality, authenticity, and factuality). The historicity of a claim about the past is its factual status.
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