Norm & Lou call their Canadian home
"Harmony." They are very careful about what they eat at Harmony and
elsewhere, preferring a low-fat style for which they grow their own salad
materials, season their organic natural earth-tone foods with unknown liquids
and granulated solids, etc. It is a matter of faith as well as nutrition. None
of the names sound familiar to a man who was raised in the industrialized
post-war West.
To an American carnivore -- one who likes
to eat chili at Hard Times Cafe with Mike in Old Town, enjoy an occasional
burger at Steak n Shake or Five Guys -- table time discussion at Norn &
Lou's place sounds like this:
Lou: Norm, how do you like the way I
boiled the galumph?
Norm: Just fine but the rath juice tastes
a little like the snozzlewart we had last week.
Lou: Oh! Well, next time I will add some
vorpalad to the jaxo.
Norm: Okay, but be sure not to oversteam
the dudlesak.
Lou: Right. Tomorrow I’ll go to the store
and get some snarts, too.
Norm: Yea, if they are in season. If not,
maybe some varse roots.
Lou: John, if you want something to add
some flavor to the snoddle, there is some vatsnaper in the bottle by the
I am on the way out to The FBI for a
March 2, 2014: That was November 2004,
over 9 years ago. Today Norm and Lou live in a third-floor condo in Qualicum
Beach, about 14 miles south of Bowser, which was their home. As I write this,
Norm’s activities are limited by heart disease and joint pain. He sleeps most
of the time, according to Lou. I visited there July 10-18, 2013 to see their
new place (and most of the U.S. between NY and BC).